Forest Carbon Offsets: A Sustainable Path to a Greener Future

Get a primer on Forest Carbon Offsets. Natural Solution to mitigating Climate Change.


As climate change rapidly alters the world we live in, businesses are making greater efforts to reduce their carbon footprints. One prominent method of accomplishing this goal is through forest carbon offsets, a practical and eco-friendly approach that seeks to balance the carbon emissions equation.

Understanding Forest Carbon Offsets

Forest carbon offsets are credits earned through projects that reduce, avoid, or sequester carbon emissions within forest ecosystems. The concept works on the principle that forests are preserved or expanded, they capture more CO2, thereby reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gases.

Each carbon offset credit typically represents the removal or avoidance of 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e).

Types of Forest Carbon Offsets

Forest carbon offsets are created through three primary activities:

  1. Reforestation: This involves planting trees in areas where forests have been depleted.
  2. Improved Forest Management (IFM): This practice increases the carbon-storing capacity of existing forests. IFM strategies can include reducing the frequency of logging, changing harvesting methods to be less destructive.
  3. Avoided Deforestation (REDD+): Deforestation contributes significantly to global carbon emissions. By preventing deforestation activities, forest carbon offset projects can maintain the existing carbon sequestration capacity of forests.

There are over 1000+ of these projects and finding a project that fits your need can be challenging. Here at Atmos, we help you find best Carbon Projects. Get started today!